Home Opinions SMEs are Kenya’s engines of economic growth, but digitalisation remains an obstacle...

SMEs are Kenya’s engines of economic growth, but digitalisation remains an obstacle in 2023

Liquid Intelligent Technologies Regional Chief Business Officer for East Africa, Neeraj Pradhan, outlines the critical need for end-to-end managed digital services as SMEs struggle to keep up with rapidly evolving technological advances.

Neeraj Pradhan - Technologies Regional Chief Business Officer for East Africa, Liquid Intelligent Technologies

Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are spearheading Kenya’s economic future, thanks to their significant impact in the digital space. SMEs are helping the country account for 80% of its employment, contributing over 60% to its GDP, and constituting 98% of all businesses. Even national government has recognised that SMEs play a crucial role in achieving their Kenya Vision 2030 – to become a middle-income country – so much so that it has been working with international partners to expand their digital superhighway by 100,000 kilometres over the next 10 years. This is in line with their commitment to promote universal and affordable access to internet connectivity.

Despite being engines of economic growth, SMEs in Kenya are struggling to keep up with the pace of technological change. For many it is inaccessible, unaffordable, and cumbersome to manage. This, unfortunately, leaves many small businesses on the side-lines unable to compete.

As Kenya’s SME market grows more saturated, now is the time to gain that competitive edge and set yourself apart from rivals. In 2023, businesses continue leveraging the latest digital tools and platforms to reach new customers, increase their competitiveness, multiply their profits, and create new jobs. But all of this may be useless without having the right digital capability needed to become digital pioneers in their industry. It starts with having the right end-to-end partners.

To sustain and propel Kenya’s economic future, small businesses require an umbrella of digital services in addition to reliable, uninterrupted connectivity. This is at the heart and soul of their operations and without it they may not survive.

Let’s take the cloud for example. SMEs face many challenges when setting up and using this technology. Then, there is domain and network management, connectivity issues, constant upgrades, productivity concerns, website management, and escalating cyber security threats that cannot be ignored. The daily headache in managing all of this is time-consuming and can overwhelm any small business owner or IT manager who may already have too much on their plate.

This is why its paramount for SMEs to employ a reliable end-to-end managed service provider that can be the miracle they have been praying for – a provider that can offer a one-stop-shop to manage all these needs without the hassle of license renewals and dealing with outdated hardware. And the best part is that this will free up time for small business owners to focus on the things that matter most – like growth, sustainability, and profits. All of this can be achieved affordably while still being able to embrace and fully benefit from tools like artificial intelligence (AI), cloud, and cybersecurity.

The rising tide of technological evolution will not stop. Bridging that gap in 2023 should be the main priority for SMEs in Kenya if they hope to stay afloat and set themselves apart from competitors. Holding this kind of digital power as an SME in a saturated marketplace like Kenya can help increase their competitiveness and service offerings and propel them as innovative industry leaders. To make this happen, small businesses need a reliable partner that can effectively utilise digital tools and maximise their virtual capabilities. This small change can make or break a business. It can set the tone for SMEs to continue on the trajectory of achieving Kenya’s middle-income status, while leaving an indelible legacy for the youth of tomorrow and future generations to come.





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